What If I Encounter Wildlife Areas?

Small animals in the road are dangerous because motorists sometimes lose control while trying to avoid the animals. When you see a small animal in the road, think of your own safety. Don’t try to dodge it unless you’re sure it is safe to do so.

Big game animals such as moose, elk, and deer can cause severe damage to a vehicle. Road conditions can play an important role in the severity of these types of crashes. For instance, most deer collisions occur when the roadways were wet. When you see a large animal on or near the road, whether the roadway is wet or dry, slow down and proceed with extreme caution. Remember that these animals are herd animals, and others are usually nearby. You may narrowly escape hitting one just to hit another that is following behind the first.

Large animals can move into the path of a vehicle so quickly that it’s impossible to slow down enough to safely avoid hitting the animal. If you find yourself in this situation, you must consider a collision with the animal as the safest alternative, even though the crash may damage your vehicle and will likely kill the animal. Concentrate on keeping control of the vehicle before, during, and after the crash.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Today

Time is crucial after a car accident. Promptly hiring an experienced car accident lawyer to handle your claim can protect your rights and place you in the best position to secure the maximum compensation available.

Do not delay. Hiring an attorney for your car accident claim is affordable and straightforward. Contact an experienced, local personal injury lawyer in New York for a free, confidential, no-risk case consultation today.


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