New research has found that the heavier and more expensive football helmet sold today does not lower the risk concussions any more than the standard helmet does. A study that monitored more than 1,300 football players at 36 different Wisconsin high schools found that players who wore older and more worn out helmets received just as must protection as the players with the newer and more expensive helmets. About 40,000 high school students in the United States receive concussions ever year. To learn more about traumatic brain injuries and concussions, visit our website and learn how we can help you receive the compensation you deserve. During the study, detailed records during the 2012 football season were taken by athletic trainers. They monitored and recorded the safety equipment used, the number of games and practices each player participated in, and the number of sports-related concussions sustained by each player. Out of the 1,332 players monitored, 115 experienced a concussion. Researchers found no difference in the rate of concussion by either the type of helmet worn by the players or how old the helmet was. The study also found that those players wearing a custom-fitted mouth guard that was manufactured to decrease the risk of concussion and injury actually increased their risk of concussion. According the article, there isn’t much more to do in terms of increasing the support of helmets and other protective sports gear. One solution to lowering the risk of concussion may be to limit the amount of physical contact during practice. After all, most concussions occur during practice, not competition. If your child has been seriously injured in a sports-related injury and has sustained a concussion or any other type of traumatic brain injury, contact us immediately and fill out our free evaluation form. Read the full article here: Fox News: Concussion Prevention.