Boston Head-On Truck Collisions

Boston, Massachusetts, is a beautiful and populous city along the Eastern edge of the United States. A popular tourist destination, Boston is a center of commerce, culture, and history. People enjoy visiting Boston to see all that it offers and participate in the city’s rich cultural heritage.

However, like most big cities, Boston has many accidents. Head-on truck collisions, especially between commercial trucks and smaller vehicles, frequently happen in the city’s busy streets. With over 50 commercial trucking fleets in Massachusetts, hundreds of commercial trucks and drivers pass through Boston’s streets and the nearby highways and freeways.

You are not alone if a head-on truck collision injured you in Boston. Seek medical and legal help right away to begin recovering physically, financially, and personally after a big truck accident. It will take time, but with the right support, you’ll be able to recover much more quickly.

Causes of Boston Head-On Truck Collisions

In Boston, Massachusetts, thousands of accidents occur every year. In Massachusetts, 453 large trucks are involved in 7.1 percent of fatal crashes. In total, at least 173,000 large trucks are involved in head-on collisions in the United States in a typical year.

Big commercial trucks are often involved in head-on collisions, especially in Boston and the surrounding state. But how do these accidents happen?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has studied big truck accidents and identified a few main causes:

  • Truck driver error: A truck driver who falls asleep, is physically impaired (e.g., with drugs or alcohol), has a heart attack or seizure, is distracted, or is inattentive can cause accidents.
  • Truckers may also speed, misjudge the speed of other vehicles, follow other cars too closely, overcompensate, or exercise poor control of the truck.
  • Vehicle malfunctions like brake problems, tire problems, or a significant cargo shift can cause accidents.
  • Environmental problems such as bad weather or obstacles in the road may obstruct truck drivers’ vision, leading to an accident.

Head-on truck collisions frequently occur when drivers drift out of their lane to pass a vehicle or because they are distracted.

Eight Things to Do After a Boston Head-On Truck Collision

After a head-on collision, you will likely be disoriented and unsure of how to recover from the crash. Fortunately, you don’t have to try and figure it out alone.

Here are some easy steps you can follow to get back on your feet after a collision:

  1. Call 911 for an ambulance to get medical support right away and make sure you are in a safe location.
  2. Call the police. They will gather information about your accident and write a report. The police report can help determine who was at fault and give you evidence to use in your case.
  3. Take photos of the accident scene. Take pictures of your injuries, damage to vehicles, as well as any evidence (like skid marks or an unexpected obstacle on the road) that could be relevant.
  4. Speak to witnesses. If there were any witnesses to the accident, ask them for their contact information. You can also ask them for a written statement about what they saw.
  5. Exchange insurance information with the other driver involved.
  6. Get the medical attention you need to recover from your injuries. Seeing a doctor will also give you records of your injuries that you can use to back up your claim later if the insurance company tries to contest it.
  7. Call a car accident lawyer experienced in handling head-on collision cases. A good lawyer will help you gather evidence to prove who caused your accident. They will help you seek compensation for your losses.
  8. Keep records and bills. If you file a personal injury claim, you will need documentation of your out-of-pocket costs. Keep your medical records, statements from the hospital, receipts for any necessary expenses, and anything else relevant to a claim.

Recovering after a head-on collision takes time. However, taking these steps will get you the help you need to move forward after a catastrophic injury.

Common Injuries in Head-On Truck Collisions

Head-on collisions with commercial trucks often cause severe injuries due to the vehicles’ size.

If you collide head-on with a commercial truck, you may sustain:

  • Bruising and cuts
  • Concussion or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Whiplash or severe spinal cord injuries
  • Broken legs, arms, ribs, or other bones
  • Burns from car fires or hot metal
  • Internal bleeding from punctured organs

Call an ambulance as soon as you can after an accident. Getting medical attention right away can help you ensure that your injuries receive proper treatment. Sometimes, big crashes may leave you in a state of shock, which can mask certain injuries. A medical professional can diagnose and treat any hidden injuries.

How To Pursue a Personal Injury Claim After a Big Truck Head-On Collision

You can pursue a personal injury claim against the party who caused your crash. In Massachusetts, you can sometimes still file a claim even if you partially caused the accident. Consider hiring an experienced Boston lawyer to determine whether you have a viable claim. Often, they can give you a free consultation and help you understand your case. Ask them about their experience with head-on collision cases to ensure that they have the skills to take on your case.

Then, if necessary, your lawyer can help you by:

  1. Gathering evidence, including medical bills, medical records, receipts for property damage repairs, photos from the accident scene, and witness statements
  2. Sending a demand letter to the at-fault party and their insurance company, explaining how the accident happened and what losses you sustained
  3. Negotiating with other parties to try to reach a settlement
  4. Taking your case to court if the other parties refuse to settle for a fair amount
  5. Obtaining your compensation check for you if you receive a court award

Investigating a personal injury claim can be time-consuming. You start the process as soon as possible to ensure that you don’t miss any deadlines. In Massachusetts, you typically only have three years to pursue a personal injury claim against a person other than the state. If you don’t act quickly, you may miss your deadline and cannot recover compensation for your injuries.

Who Can I Hold Responsible for My Head-On Collision in Boston?

If you were in a head-on collision in Boston, several different parties might be liable for the accident. If a truck driver’s negligence caused a crash that injured you, they might be the party responsible. However, in some situations, you may be able to hold another party responsible for what happened.

For example, the United States has laws restricting the number of hours a truck driver can work without taking a break. If a company forces a truck driver to exceed this limit and the exhausted driver crashes, the company could be held responsible for the accident. Similarly, if a truck part breaks and causes an accident, the truck manufacturer or repair company could be liable.

If you’re unsure who caused your accident, start by reaching out to a Boston personal injury lawyer for help. A lawyer can help you gather the evidence to determine who caused the accident. That way, you can seek compensation from the appropriate party.

What Damages Can You Claim in a Boston Head-On Collision?

You can claim both economic and non-economic losses in a personal injury case.

Economic damages can include:

  • Medical expenses, including emergency room visits, surgeries, ongoing therapy, medication prescriptions, and medical equipment
  • Property damage repair expenses to fix your car or other property
  • Lost income, whether from the time you took off to recover or from losing your job due to long-term injuries

You may also recover non-monetary damages, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma or distress
  • Loss of consortium with loved ones
  • Loss of life enjoyment
  • Scarring and disfigurement

If you lost a loved one in the collision, there are other types of damages that you can recover, like loss of companionship, loss of support, and end-of-life expenses. If you’re not sure where to start calculating your damages and how much you can recover, get in touch with a Boston truck accident lawyer today.

Andrew Finkelstein
Boston Truck Accident Attorney, Andrew Finkelstein

Finding a Good Personal Injury Lawyer for a Head-On Truck Collision

Head-on truck collisions can be complicated. They usually result in severe injury for those involved. If you’re concerned about seeking the compensation you deserve, a lawyer can help. To get started with your free consultation, reach out to a Boston truck accident attorney today.