NY Attorney General Warns Football Helmet Users: Don’t Trust Safety Claims

New York Attorney General, Eric T. Scheiderman warned Thursday, that claims by equipment makers of helmets that boast “anti-concussive” properties cannot be relied upon – especially by parents of children who play the game. Any claims made that a helmet is made to be “anti-concussive” or “concussion-proof” is misleading and a potentially dangerous claim which gives parents a false sense of security. Manufacturers solely use these phrases as a marketing edge. The AG states that some manufacturers are promoting add-ons to helmets such as liners, bumpers, pads and electronic devices, that promise to reduce the risk of concussion. However, there is no real evidence that suggests these claims are legitimate. In an attempt to reduce the amount of concussions sustained, state legislation requires coaches, teachers and other officials to be trained about the symptoms of mild traumatic brain injuries and the importance of proper medical treatment. Officials should also learn to spot concussion symptoms, that players should be pulled from games until they show no symptoms and that players should be trained to focus on techniques that minimize the chances of concussion. 1.1 million high school students play tackle football and 3.5 million children between the ages of 6 and 14 play in youth football leagues. If you or your child has suffered from a traumatic brain injury, contact us immediately and learn about our Neurolaw Trial Group. Read the full article here.