Tired Behind the Wheel, How Dangerous is Drowsy Driving?

You may be surprised to find that just one extra hour of sleep may significantly reduce your risk of being involved in a fatal crash. According to researchers:

  • People who sleep 6-7 hours a night are twice as likely to be involved in a crash compared to those who sleep 8 or more hours a night.
  • People who sleep less than 5 hours are four to five times more likely to be involved in a crash compared to those who sleep 8 or more hours a night.
  • Comparing employees who work a regular daytime schedule and shift workers, shift workers are more likely to drive drowsy those who work a regular daytime schedule.
  • Drowsy driving is suspected to be the cause of an estimated 6,000 fatal crashes a year.

For some drivers, like those driving commercial vehicles (tow trucks, tractor trailers, busses, etc.) there are rules and regulations put into place that employers must abide by. Not only are these drivers more likely to be involved in a crash because of irregular scheduling, but the consequences of a tractor trailer/commercial vehicle crash are often devastating. If an employer fails to keep their drivers and other motorists safe by choosing to disobey safety rules and regulations, and that driver is involved in a wreck, it is crucial to hold that employer accountable.

As individuals it’s our duty to properly assess our ability to drive safely. This means being alert, aware, and awake! For more information about drowsy driving click here. If you or a loved one was injured because of a drowsy driver, click here.

DrowsyDriving.Org, Centers for Disease Control