This Week is Operation Safe Driver Week- Get Involved!

Do you speed, text, or follow too closely to other vehicles? If they answer is ‘yes’ than beginning today make a commitment to become a safe driver. This week law enforcement officers are expected to be on the lookout for dangerous driving behavior.

“During Operation Safe Driver Week, law enforcement agencies across North America engage in heightened traffic safety enforcement and education aimed at combating unsafe driving behaviors by both commercial motor vehicle and passenger-vehicle drivers. Activities are held across the United States, Canada and Mexico with the goal of increasing commercial vehicle and non-commercial vehicle traffic enforcement, safety belt enforcement, driver roadside inspections and driver regulatory compliance.” – Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance

At various community events throughout the year our team of injury attorneys speak to the public about the dangers of distracted driving. Sometimes those in attendance admit to driving distracted, but more often than not we hear “my husband always texts and drives,” or “my mom does that all the time!”. By providing your loved ones with information about safe driving practices and what behaviors to avoid you could very well prevent serious injuries and even fatalities.

Here are some helpful resources to read and share.

If you or a loved one were hurt by a dangerous driver contact us today, we’ll hold them accountable™.