New York Law Enforcement Using Social Media to Track Down Dangerous Drivers

Distracted driving is an epidemic that has resulted in countless injuries and fatalities both here in New York and throughout the Country. NY Law enforcement agencies have taken numerous steps to stop distracted drivers from hurting themselves and others.

On March 6th State Police in Long Island used innovative measures to apprehend a driver who was not only distracted but drunk as well.

According to authorities State Police received several calls on Sunday evening, warning them of an erratic driver on a busy parkway.

Police used information from the callers to track down the man, who was coincidentally using an app at the time, Perioscope.  

Perioscope is a live streaming video mobile app which allows users to essentially create and host their own broadcasting station.

The erratic driver was live streaming on Periscope, which enabled law enforcement to determine his location.

The reckless driver was apprehended and according to authorities was not only distracted but allegedly drunk as well.

Distracted driving is an ongoing issue that has proven to be deadly.

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