Most Parents Become Less Involved in Their Teen’s Driving Habits Once They Get Their License

Parents are often removing themselves from teen driver education once their teen receives their license, according to a study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. There’s going to be a learning curve even after a teen gets their license, so it’s important to continue coaching them on good driving habits. However, most parents fail to do so.

According to the study, there is a “widespread failure of parents to transfer their own wealth of wisdom about driving to their children. This is not surprising, as most adults are not aware of how much they know that is central to safe driving.” According to the study, approximately half of the parents surveyed want their teens to get “a lot of practice,” yet only 25% of the parents said they practiced regularly with their teen in various driving conditions. 47% of the parents told AAA that even after their teen received their license, there was still at least one road condition that made them uncomfortable with their teen driving alone in.

According to the study, teens do not receive enough practice and training in unfamiliar settings such as at night or in heavy traffic. Usually when teens are practicing for their road test, they practice in familiar territory and conditions. Speeding up that learning curve can be critical, according to the article highlighting the AAA study.

It is important to continue coaching your teen even after they get their license because have the highest crash rate of any age group. If your teen has been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident as a result of another driver’s negligence, we can help. Call us or chat with one of our live agents 25/7.