Kids & Seatbelt Safety

Seatbelts have saved more than 69,000 lives from 2006 to 2010. Teens have the lowest rate of seatbelt use. Only 54% of high school students admitted to always wearing a seatbelt when riding with someone else. Wearing a seatbelt could save you and your child’s life. Follow these top safety tips for proper seatbelt use:

  • Use a booster seat with the vehicle lap and shoulder safety belts until you child is able to pass the Safety Belt Fit Test:
    • Your children’s knees should bend at the edge of the seat when their backs and bottoms are against the vehicle seat back
    • The vehicle lap belt should fit across the upper thighs
    • The should belt should fit across the shoulder and chest. Children are usually between 8 and 12 years old when the seatbelt fits properly.
    • Once your child is big enough to pass the Safety Belt Fit Test, teach them to always use a seatbelt on every ride.
    • Keep all kids in the backseat until they are 13.
    • Be a good example. When adults wear seatbelts, so do kids.
    • Make sure your kids are sitting upright at all times when using seatbelts and aren’t flipping the shoulder strap behind their back. The shoulder strap should go across the chest properly.

42% of passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2007 were unbelted, according to the National Safety Council. Keep your kids safe. Teach them to always wear a seatbelt and set a good example for them. If you or a loved one have been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, contact us immediately. Learn more safety tips.