Focus on Raising Awareness About Healthy Habits to Prevent or Identify Breast Cancer Symptoms Earlier

October is not just about raising funds for fighting Breast Cancer. It’s also a month that is dedicated to raising awareness about the healthy habits that will make it harder for breast cancer to fight back.

Share the below tips with your family members and friends. Although Breast Cancer is more common in women, the number of men that face this diagnosis every day is on the rise. Keep up-to-date on physical exams, self-exams, preventive screenings, and be pro-active in your approach to health.

Get Moving!

Countless studies show that exercise can lower your risk of developing breast cancer. This month, take proactive steps (literally) toward protecting yourself. Get a gym membership and start with some cardio followed by stength training or hit the streets and take your cardio workout outside. You will slowly start seeing yourself fall into a routine!

The Truth About Soy

Some studies suggest that adding soy to your diet lowers breast cancer risk, while other studies say it raises it. Confused? Some of the misunderstandings come from the fact that studies in people and studies in animals show different results. In some animal studies, rats that were exposed to high doses of compounds found in soy called isoflavones showed an increased risk of breast cancer. This is thought to be because the isoflavones in soy can act like estrogen in the body, and increased estrogen has been linked to certain types of breast cancer. But rats process soy differently from people, and the same results have not been seen in people. In fact, in human studies, the estrogen effects of soy seem to either reduce breast cancer risk, or have no effect at all. This may be because the isoflavones can actually block the more potent natural estrogens in the blood.  Learn more about soy and breast cancer.

This Recipe Will Make You Want to Eat Tofu!

Tofu is not just for vegetarians. It’s packed with protein and calcium for a healthy and satisfying meal. If you’re reluctant to purchase tofu, check out this tofu stir fry recipe with peanut sauce and you will fall in love with it!


For more information about the tips above, visit the American Cancer Society website.