Child Passenger Safety Week

The National Safety Council reports half of all children killed each year in car accidents are either unrestrained or improperly restrained. September 17th-September 23rd has been designated as Child Passenger Safety Week. We hope all parents use this time to review their current car seat’s functionality, direction, location, and installation.

Here is a safety snapshot provided by the National Safety Council:


“…The right seat must be selected for a child’s height, weight and developmental level. Make sure the seat is in good condition (has not been in a crash, not expired or recalled, no labels missing). It is also important to register your seat so that you can be notified in the event of a recall.”


“Many children are transitioned too soon to the next seat stage, which puts them at increased risk for injury. NHTSA suggests that children should ride rear-facing to the upper weight or height limits of their seats, and seats with higher rear-facing weight and height limits will allow many children to ride rear-facing well past the age of 2 years. “


“The back seat is the safest place for all children under the age of 13.”


“It is estimated that nearly half of car seats on America’s roads are installed incorrectly. Always read your car seat instruction manual and your vehicle owner’s manual to ensure you are correctly installing your car seat and properly using booster seats.” Did you know many local fire stations will help install a car seat or check for proper installation?


“Correct harnessing or seat belt fit ensures your child is securely positioned in a car seat, booster seat or vehicle seat. Too often, harnesses are loose or incorrectly positioned on a child.”

Learn more about car seat safety by clicking here. Please share these important tips with family and friends!