Bob McDonald has a 90-day plan to solve VA problems

By Henry Molsky,  McDonald is quickly becoming known across the country as the new secretary that asks people to call him by his first name, passes out his cell phone number and holds town hall meetings on VA hospital visits.

In Cincinnati, it was business as usual for McDonald. On Saturday McDonald held a town hall meeting at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Corryville. Here, he spoke to 170 VA employees face-to-face to find out their specific needs. Elsewhere, he continues his fact-finding mission into a Veteran Affairs department wrought with problems and wrongdoing.

McDonald, 59 days into his new position, told members of the press about his commitment to “building a more robust system” in an afternoon press conference. He wants this new vision in place by Veterans Day on Nov. 11.

“Think of it as a 90-day plan,” he said. “We need to rebuild trust with the veterans and the American public.”  Read Full Article here: