Back to School – Child Safety Tips

It’s almost that time of year again! Our kids are getting ready to head back to school and parents should be preparing as well. It’s important that parents take positive and proactive measures to ensure their child’s safety and prevent them from becoming victims of crime:

1.    Never leave your children alone. If they are not old enough, don’t leave them home alone, in the car alone, at play alone, or even let them walk to school alone without the proper supervision.
2.    If your child walks to school alone, make sure they know how to get their, their house number, their home phone number, and never to talk to strangers. Help them understand this and help them understand that people they see every day such as the mailman, neighbor, etc. are not strangers and can help them if need be.
3.    Teach your children the information necessary to get help. Teach them their full name, phone number, house number, parents names, etc.
4.    Teach yours kids the “What if…?” game. Make up different dangerous situations that they may encounter and help them play out what they would do in that specific situation.
5.    Talk to your children and be alert of any noticeable changes in their behavior or attitude toward an adult or teen. Look for these signs, as they may be a sign of sexual abuse.
6.    Set up procedures with your child’s school or daycare as to whom the child will be release to other than yourself. Make sure the school is aware of all notification procedures and that they follow them if the child does not show up on time.

For more back to school traveling safety tips, visit our blog!

Source: Tru Bru Security Solutions