All Fans Can Get behind Yankee’s Anti-Bullying Message

The New York Yankees may not be your favorite MLB team, but they recently made a play we can all cheer on. In April of 2018, the Yankees organization posted a video featuring 24 of its players and manager, Aaron Boone, sharing a series of supportive messages to a victim of bulling.

Earlier in the month a courageous 10-year-old from Pennsylvania, who endured years of bullying, created a video to share her story. In the video, the young girl describes years of physical and emotional bullying. The video was later removed by Facebook due to the girl’s age (the minimum age to have a Facebook account is 13-years-old), but not before it went viral, catching the attention of people all over the world, including the New York Yankees.

Click here to watch the video.

Bullying is a major problem in schools across the world, but with the proper systems in place educators and school administrators have the power to prevent the type of ongoing bullying the young girl in Pennsylvania endured.  Click here to learn more about New York State Anti-Bullying laws and policies.