Elizabeth Wolff
Personal Injury | Partner

Hofstra University, B.A.
Suffolk Law School, Juris Doctor, Magna Cum Laude
New York
Winning Case Highlights
$5,315,000 Million Settlement
After firing one of their drivers two times for speeding, a trucking company re-hired the same driver because the trucking company only makes money when their trucks are on the road.
$1,700,000.00 Million Settlement
Motor Vehicle Accident. Our client, an Orange County resident, was traveling eastbound on Route 17M in Goshen, New York when the defendant made a left turn into the side of her vehicle. Managing Attorney Elizabeth Wolff was able to assist in settling this case through mediation.
$1,200,000 Settlement For Client After Motorcycle Crash
While riding his Harley Davidson Rocker on a quiet country road in Hillsdale, Columbia County, New York, when a driver of a BMW pulled out from a stop sign attempting to cross in front of the motorcyclist. The insurance company agreed to pay $1,200,000 to our client who broke his leg during the crash.
City of Schenectady Insurance Company Pays $1,000,000 For Icy Sidewalks
Municipalities have an obligation to keep their roads and sidewalks free of hazardous conditions. That includes icy sidewalks. Our client was an accountant who worked in Schenectady. Unfortunately, the City of Schenectady left thick ice on the sidewalk for days, never applying salt or sand.
$700,000.00 Settlement – Gas Terminal Fails to Remove Ice
In addition to getting the Workers’ Compensation carrier to waive their nearly $250,000 lien, we were able to obtain a $700,000 settlement.
$600,000.00 Settlement – Maintenance Worker Slips On Icy, Leaking Roof
Thanks in part to efforts of Managing Attorney Elizabeth Wolff this case was settled at mediation.
$475,000.00 Settlement – Garbage Truck Hits Stopped Car in Rear
A lawsuit was started by Managing Attorney Elizabeth Wolff and after depositions by colleague Trial Attorney Brian Acard, the case was settled for $475,000.
Every year since 2013 Elizabeth Wolff has given powerful presentations at community events and local Albany high schools, helping to spread awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. Mrs. Wolff and CBS6 News team up to give out bracelets, hats and anti-texting and driving postcards to the students.
After a stint of teaching Spanish to elementary students, Liz moved to Boston to attend law school, where she had the prestigious honor of an internship at the Massachusetts Office of Attorney General, Tom Reilly. She now lives and practices law in Albany.
Liz has settled thousands of Motor Vehicle accident cases during her decade with the firm. She has attended numerous Continuing Legal Education Courses, including:
- Settling the Case and Sleeping at Night: How to Protect Your Client’s Recovery
- Medicare Liens
- Tort and Insurance Law Practice
- NYS workers’ compensation Law & Recent Case Law Changes
- The Engineering Expert in Accident Reconstruction
- New Technology in Collission Reconstruction
- Ethical Pitfalls Facing Attorneys
- Legal Issues in Plaintiff’s Personal Injury
- Beyond Medicaid: Alternative Methods for Financing Long Term Care
- Decedent’s Estate in Negligence cases
- Labor Law: Plaintiffs Perspective
- Ethics & professionalism
- Technology in the Courtroom
- EBT strategy
- Litigating Spinal Injury Cases
- Biomechanical Engineering Principal and Personal Injury Litigation
- Nursing Home Litigation
- Veterans Disability Practice